
DDOS Protection Maintenance

  • 27th September 2010
Update: We've completed this maintenance and everything went according to plan, short of taking a little longer to complete.  Total downtime was approximately 5 minutes. Hello Everyone! We're going to be doing emergency maintenance on our DDOS protection equipment.  This is going to require us to take down our network for ...
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Emergency Router Work

  • 16th September 2010

We will be performing emergency work on our core router. Downtime should not be more then a few minutes.

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DSN News and Updates!

  • 4th August 2010
  To current and future customer of DirectSpace Networks As you might know, we’ve been working hard around here to upgrade our current network to move on with the fast pace of the networking world.  We’ve upgraded practically everything within our core network to better handle the bandwidth requested by our customers. ...
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Bandwidth Upgrade

  • 4th August 2010

We're happy to announce that we've just upgraded our newest provider, Hurricane Electric to a full 10Gbps Link. Current customers look forward to a major FREE upgrade in bandwidth to be announced soon! 

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